One of the reasons so many people dislike Facebook Ads is that there are so many bad ones.
Everyone wants their business to rank highly on Google. It’s where people go to research products and services every day and if a competitor's website comes up first, or at least much higher than yours, that sale is probably going to them instead of you.
Below is a very simplified overview of SEO and Google Ads written for business owners new to this part of the digital marketing space. While many businesses take a DIY approach to Facebook Ads, Google Ads is generally less popular and less understood but can be just as effective, if not more so, in increasing your online presence.
Love them or hate them, Facebook Ads are a great tool to promote your business online, but only when done right.
Had an unsuccessful ad campaign? There could be many reasons for why that was as Facebook ads have many variables however getting the basics right is a great first step to ensure you're not wasting your money. Learn more below...
When it comes to social media, it's best to stand out and be different, however some common mistakes can make you stand out of the wrong reasons.
Thinking of boosting a post or running ads to promote your business? Make sure you have a basic understanding of your targeting options so you're reaching your ideal customers.
Christmas is creeping closer and closer and for many small businesses it's definitely time to start thinking about holiday promotions if you haven't already been doing so.
Boosted a post and not sure what you're getting in return? The wide range of variables at play means that your results can vary greatly between posts even if you're spending the same amount.
Spoiler alert: there's no concrete answer to this, some marketers I know respond with 'well how long is a piece of string?", a phrase I hate, but it makes a good point. When it comes to Facebook Ads there are many variables and many questions required to answer the above one.
While it can be tempting to hit the Boost button and see your Reach and Post Likes increase, it's best to plan and strategise before paying to promote your business on Facebook. See my tips below to ensure your Facebook page is set up for success before you start racking up an Ads bill.
Small businesses often have limited resources which is why it’s essential to use them wisely.
Social media allows small business to raise their brand awareness and grow and communicate with their customer base. Many small businesses rely on repeat customers, and word of mouth and social media is the perfect extension of this. Adding a call-to-action encourages more people to take action on your posts, learn how to add a call-to-action button to your Facebook posts.
A recent marketing video I watched suggested poor marketing performance is a result of just three things, low traffic, low audience and low conversion. I've put a few thoughts together on each below.
Hitting the Boost button and hoping for the best? Spent $100 on ads and not sure where it's gone? Facebook has made it super easy to promote your business, but easy doesn't equal effective. See below for more.
Communication is an essential skill and writing is a critical part of communicating online, particularly on social media.
Running Google Ads is a great way to grow your business by getting your website in front of people right when they’re looking for your product or service.
Unlike other digital advertising platforms, Google Search Ads uses a pay-per-click model which means you only pay when someone clicks your to visit your website. It’s never been easier to promote your business online. Facebook has made it super simple with their Boost button. But easy ≠ effective!